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03 June, 2022

Best Technical Practices for On-Page SEO


The need to land on an SERP necessitates a good grasp and understanding of On-Page SEO. Not only does it include improving the very quality of one’s webpage but it also drives traffic, in the right direction and audience. Overall, allowing a webpage/company/brand to have a fighting chance to earn a good ranking. 


So how does one ensure that the On-Page SEO is bringing it’s A-game?


  1. Use Title Tags: Title Tags include HTML elements used to designate the name of a webpage on SERPs. Make your title tags unique and descriptive in 60 or under characters in length.
  2. Include Relevant and Optimized Headings: Headings are titles for your content. Make sure these are in H1 format. Try not to stuff them while making them descriptive. Subheadings (H2 format) are welcome but try not to duplicate keywords or phrases.
  3. Think about URL Structure: URL structures are important because they determine how relevant a page is. Optimize them with keywords. Think about it: is much better than
  4. Include Alt Text: Alt Text (Alternative Text) provides additional information for an image. It makes everything more inclusive especially when catering to disabled users. Make sure the Alt Texts are descriptive and specific to the content, 125 characters or less.
  5. Prioritize Page Load Speed: This speaks for itself. Slow internet drives everyone mad, so imagine just how many viewers/potential clients you lose if your website loads at a low speed. No one’s going to wait for a page to load. No, instead they’ll find one that loads fast.
  6. Include Relevant Internal Links: Make navigation easier for your users with internal links but also work on making sure search engines understand the site and index of your pages. 
  7. Add Meta Descriptions: Meta descriptions are brief but vivid. They expand on title tags and summarize a page’s content giving users a reason to browse through your webpage as opposed to someone else’s.
  8. Incorporate a Responsive Design: Responsiveness is a design element that ensures your webpage is accessible on any device which is key because you never know where users are and what access they have when they type out your webpage.
  9. Research and Include Keywords: Keywords are the glue for SEO. These must be researched and carefully selected before being incorporated into a webpage and its content seamlessly.