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15 July, 2022

How Does One Combine SEO and Affiliate Marketing Strategy

We’ve come to understand how profitable affiliate marketing is and we’ve always known how vital SEO is. Recently, we’ve also established why SEO is useful in the success of affiliate marketing while also touching base on why it’s challenging. The overlap of the two can cause a lapse in content being pushed out, leading to a failure in it being recognized or engaged with.

Putting aside the challenges that need to be maneuvered through, let’s focus on how to acquire very lucrative outcomes by combining SEO and affiliate marketing strategy because if one can nail the ‘hows’, the results come naturally.
So here’s how we go about it:

  • Optimization of affiliate content: Optimization of content directly leads to an improvement in search engines which in turn improves performance of the affiliate marketing content. A thorough way of doing it by providing well researches combinations of short tail, long tail keywords, well designed and formatted sub-headings, conscious imagery and easy to understand tonality and fluency.


  • Drive content that is valuable to the audience: Direct valuable content that hits home is key. Consumers are immune now to plastic marketing. So, creating content that is intent on offering to customers what they want, answering their queries directly by pinpointing specificities is the key to success. You will be penalized if your content fails on promises and this will lead to a poor ranking. Content that can be utilized for affiliate marketing SEO content include videos, detailed product reviews, how – to tutorials and the like.
  • Track, measure and evolve: Maintain SEO and affiliate marketing strategies by fine-tuning them consistently and adapting to the digital landscape. Use data to track/measure content success. This helps narrow down on strengths and weaknesses and helps gain valuable insight to refine strategic efforts.


  • Right keywords for affiliate content: Choosing right keywords is vital to landing a good spot on search engines. Keyword research is a good way to shape ideas and also expands on the content and how far it really reaches. To maximize chances of ranking, work on short tail keywords, long tail keywords and key phrases. This enables you to have a definitive direction which in turn helps maximize the success of your content
  • Link-building profile: High quality backlinks attached to affiliate marketing content boost search authority and drive more traffic. Link building is so vital to SEO rankings and so, backlinks should be a strong priority. A few ways to be savvy about it is by writing guest posts, working on affiliate content collaborations and asking trusted affiliate partners to add backlinks to your website from theirs.

When executed well, this combination is empowering and generous in its revenue generation. This and persistence. Together, they will naturally lead to healthy consistent success.