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11 April, 2022

How’s App Design different to App Development ?

To understand the process behind the very design of an app is one thing but to understand the development of an app is a whole other thing. The most important thing to bear in mind though is this – as much as app development is an integral part of app design, it is also its own entity separate to the design once the app has been completed. Basically, once an app is designed, the development of it continues.

The main aim behind app development is to ensure users are using the app, constantly. That despite there being over a million apps on the web, users keep coming back for the app you have designed because of its ability to stand out to users.

Now, while app design itself goes through the cycle of planning to technicality to prototyping to developing to publishing, app development focuses on what can be called ‘front-end’ and ‘back-end’. Where the primary focus of ‘front-end’ is to develop how the app looks, the focus of ‘back-end’ is on how it works. Altogether this is also called UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface). While one can always find developers who work on one or the other, there are also ‘full stack’ developers who work on both.

App development works on pushing engagement, ensuring users click on the app and use it, even if this usage is short term. This includes Push Notifications – an alert or message created as an established line of contact between the brand/business and the user. This is an effective manner in which ads are pushed, targeting select audiences and through these notifications, users are ‘pushed’ (encouraged/coaxed) to utilize the app further, thereby engaging with the brand more. Another tool used are QR scanners and one-click contacts that allow for more customized content and experience for users. Another example, one considered extremely crucial is the feature for speed and security. Apps that run fast, respond swiftly and provide security of information to users always outperform outdated-slow or unresponsive apps.

All of these combined, therefore, provide that definite difference between app design and development. While they are integral to the entire process and go hand-in-hand, they are uniquely different and need to be focused on by specific experts rather than confused as one and the same and mistakenly, worked on together at the same time.
