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01 June, 2021

Is your website responsive ?

In the past, users were only able to access websites from a desktop computer. A lot has changed since then. From a big monitor to a little screen of a wearable device, people now can connect to internet and access websites from a range of different devices from all sizes. And most importantly, users’ expectations also have changed.

The Digital 2020 Global Overview Report, published in partnership with We Are Social and Hootsuite, shows that over 55% of all global web traffic is by mobile devices such as smartphones and tables. This demonstrates the growing importance of responsive websites. But do you know what it means?

A responsive website identifies the dimensions of each device and it is intelligently designed to adapt to different screen resolutions, without causing distortion or loss of information. It is a front-end development process that adjusts the elements on page, such as texts, images and buttons, to be always proportional to the device that is being used.

The main goal of having a responsive website is to deliver great user experience. Users are even more demanding for a seamless engagement on all their devices. In case people find any barrier when visiting your website, they will easily give up and go to your competitor’s website. That is why providing optimised and responsive websites are essential to build online presence and enhance user experience.

Apart from the point of user view, responsive websites also impact on the SEO score. Google ranking is now more mobile-focused. It means that Google started to prioritise websites which are optimised for mobile devices in its search results.

We know it is an essential feature to a great user experience nowadays. All our website development projects are fully responsive by default. Our Website 365 teams are experts in designing websites that look good in all types of device. Let’s start your responsive website project today?