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26 July, 2022

Obstacles You Might Face During Digital Transformation

With the universe being an ever adapting, evolving platform, needless to say, marketing is but one of many catalysts when we talk about the world of digitalization. From once being an optional aspect, something to be considered and perhaps tried, digital transformation is now crucial, a necessity on which your commercial success hinges. 

And although it is now inevitable, there are a few hurdles that you mi8ght experience and have to tackle as you embark upon this transformation. These can be seen as ‘pushbacks’ and they can unfortunately stunt the growth your brand/company might achieve and could also potentially put your company/brand at risk, the kinds that would have you eating dust.

So what exactly are these roadblocks that one should be wary of? 

1. Budgetary Limitations: Money will always make things harder, regardless of time or space. Achieving digital transformation means being aware of the hefty digital costs. A big blunder many companies when accounting for the budget required for the transformation, is taking into consideration staff that would require IT training and upgrades to the IT system. Another thing that causes massive backtracking is the lack of awareness about challenges that might arise when incorporating the old and the new.

2. Lack of knowledge and digital skills: If you don’t have the skills to turn your theory of transformation into action, it doesn’t matter how air-tight your strategy is. Bear in mind that to leverage your new platform while simultaneously engaging with customers is critical and that requires the know-how of relevant digital skills. Staff training and development is therefore extremely important because your business will surely suffer or else. 

3. Resisting organizational change: No one likes change and unsurprisingly, knowing what would have to be undertaken to digitally transform, there is sure to be resistance to it. Change the mindset (if it’s prevalent) of don’t fix something that’s not broken. Adaptability is key in this world because the digital world rarely stays the same for more than 2 minutes. To avoid your company being hit by loss, create a strategy that is persuasive because that’ll cost less than the cost of repairing the damage of not digitally transforming.

4. Issues with data management: When managing data, it is important that everyone understands it and uses it to their advantage. For the transformation to be successful, a company has to have insight, intelligence and the ability to think strategically. This leads to an understanding of objectives, a clear understanding of what customers want, accuracy in mapping budgets and outlining proposals regarding use of tools in the process of transformation. If the data being accesses isn’t of good quality, you’re automatically in for a struggle.