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04 May, 2022

The Most Important Digital Skills for 2022 and Beyond


The relationship between digital marketers and consumers is symbiotic. One cannot be without the other. With online marketing showing massive spikes and preferences, it is imperative that digital marketing teams have with them marketers who have in-depth knowledge of digital skills. It also helps if these marketers have fantastic strategies to implement that will make the journey for all customers that much smoother and enjoyable. This, will unsurprisingly then, drive leads and revenue. So, all in all, it’s a cycle that requires all cogs to be well-oiled and functional.

What does it mean then to be a marketer in 2022, wishing to continue in this field in the coming future as well? It means, having certain skills, allows for the ball to be in your court.

•           Remote, Hybrid and Nomad Marketers desire more from employers

The pandemic has forever transformed the field of professionalism and how it runs. The control has now shifted to the employee as increased demand for skills offers more choice on how and where they work. The way in which the market is viewed by candidates and employees has changed. Modern candidates want to look at roles and opportunities that go beyond salaries and benefits. Flexibility and career opportunities now take top precedence.


•           Competition for Digital Talent has intensified

Digital Marketing has always been a cut-throat and intensely competitive field. While the demand for digital skills is always rising, the qualifications for screening are also simultaneously increasing. At the moment, the ranking goes –


1.         Technology Skills       6. Adaptability            11. Collaboration

2.         Creativity        7. Critical Thinking     12. Leadership Skills

3.         Analytical Thinking    8. Problem-Solving Skills       13. Strong Ethical Values

4.         Marketing Skills          9. Broader business knowledge          14. Commercial instinct in uncharted scenarios

5.         Openness to Change   10. Independent Thinking       15. Persuasion


Think of this as just the tip of the ice berg. While these skills aren’t normally associated with marketing necessarily, they play a huge role in today’s world. Keep reading and look out for Part 2, to better understand how the role of a marketer has become nuanced with a broader and more complex skillset!
