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04 April, 2022

The Process behind Designing an App

The usage of apps have become such an integral part of our lives, we never stop to think about what makes them tick and how they are created to function that they do. It is something so easily taken for granted, we forget to appreciate the work that goes into making these tiny squares glinting on our screens, ready to function at the tap of our fingers.


While the creation of each app of course begins with an idea, its birth and functionality happens over the period of many other steps all of which are extremely crucial and have their own roles to play.


So, once the idea has been settled on and established, it is followed by a ‘Spec’ (Specification) which essentially declares how the app is meant to work and what will be done to accomplish this. Consider it a blueprint for all intents and purposes. Following the completion of the Spec, the next step is the Wireframe. At this stage, both Information Architects and User Experience Designers take over unless the creator of the App is also the designer.  The best way to look at this step is as the architectural platform. A fusion of the targeted audience and end-goal of the app allows for the stage to be completed to fruition. The next stage differs from one creator to another but can largely be based under the Prototypes. While this step can run alongside the following steps, it can also be undertaken by itself first before moving onto the next ones. As the name suggests, it is the point at which a mock-up of the app is created to test for primary results and note down feedback from them. Taking in all the results, the next thing to be focused on is the Visual Design that appeals to the audience in regards to appearance, style and font. While all of this is taking place, the stage of Development kicks in where the app is being molded according to the results from the Prototype and Visual Design stage and constantly being modified. The last stage can be labeled the Iterate stage where it is tested repeatedly to show consistent performance.


Once all these steps are completed, depending on the Market it is built for, the app is then launched for usage. So, now that you have an understanding of how an app is created, it’s time for all you app designers to start thinking ideas!
